Our Services
We often advise seeing patients for three to four sessions, but of course, we will provide a clear roadmap before commencing treatment.
Sports Massage
For those of us with sore muscle, tight areas or have specific injuries, a sports massage is for you. Combining deeper techniques with specific pressure, this massage will leave you feeling more at ease and alleviate painful, tight areas.
Stress Relief Massage
At the end of a tiring week why not book in for a stress relief massage. Here long strokes are combined with gentle, soothing pressure to wash the weeks aches away leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Post Event Massage
Looking to hit a new personal best and want to maximise your recovery after the event? Whether you have just done your first triathalon, Olympic weight lifting competition or 5Km, a post event massage can do wonders to help ease yourself into the first few days of healing.